Saturday, July 16, 2005

Hoodo Tales Part II

Part of Peace Corps training are so called "survival competencies". Here in Mongolian that means can you; chop fire wood, winterize your ger, and cook for yourself. To that end I've so far cut and chopped fire wood, cooked traditional Mongolian food, plus ridden a couple of horses and milked a goat in the process. I'll try and post photos of all these things when I go to UB this week and find a computer that will accept my USb drive. Or I'll break down and burn them to a CD. Either way, look for an action packed post at the end of the week.

Otherwise training is going great. I'm already at the language level I need to be at the end of the summer so now I just have to keep it there. On the business side, my group is putting together a business plan for a local shop and after UB we have to a small business symposium. It should be great practice for when I get to my real site.

In UB I'll post my new cell phone number which you can call with a calling card (incoming calls are free) as well as my Amazon wishlist and a mailing address. Comment on whatever you feel like or just email me at


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if you are ready for your work assignment and ready to make a difference. That's great.
I know a few people who said they left comments for you but they weren't on the site - maybe you got the comments via email. Send more photos we loved seeing you.
All the best for now. Mom