Friday, July 14, 2006

Our Town

Hey gang. I know it's been a while since I rapped at ya, but I've been hella busy. I'm still working on that catalog which I have to finish right after I get back from China. I'm leaving on Sunday for Beijing and most likely going to Shanghai as well. Hopefully there are no surprises there. I'm looking forward to experiencing socialism again, but I also want to distribute some literature the Chinese might not be familiar with. I'll be back on the 24th so expect some pictures. Speaking of pictures, I'm using the Flickr uploading tool now so I put up several new galleries. This post's title refers to my site, Tsetserleg, which means garden and does not refer to an anatomical preference. Click on the picture to find your way to the gallery. I'll put up another posts with more links soon.

This isn't actually an aerial photo, but it gives a good view of the place. My friend Mike and I climbed a big hill to get a look at the town's cell phone tower and found an old graveyard behind it. I got some pictures of that and some of the towns wildlife. We also got pictures of our very own windows background. The place looks a lot better now than it did when some of the town pictures were taken. We've had a lot of rain lately so everything's really green. I put up some Nadaam pictures too. I'll link to those in another post.

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