Monday, April 10, 2006


I was back in UB at the end of last month to meet with a satellite internet company about my community project. I’m still waiting on an estimate for service, but I might be coming to you for donations. Peace Corps has a system where we can make a free web page for solicitations and I have a (regular?) readership already. One of the benefits of being in UB during the week is the Thursday night pub quiz at Dave’s. I can get my full English breakfast, answer trivia questions, and feel like I’m in…south Florida or any other place British people live. So far, I’m two for two and should start demanding a free beer from teammates. I think naming the first woman in space and knowing all the major party presidential runners-up since 1948 put us over the top. Although, an insidious pictionary round almost did us in. No one on my team knew what snake+plane+tent meant. Luckily, I guessed our other two in under a minute so we still won.

Last week, Nasaa invited me to another athletic event that was slightly more…athletic. The schools, banks, government, and offices were all playing volleyball against each other. My office wasn’t competing, so I sat in the cheering section. Here’s Nasaa, lucky number seven, serving and making a save. I didn’t get a picture of the bruises she had on her arm afterwards. She’s very sensitive.

My big boss is coming out from UB next week with our dairy expert and a consultant. Hopefully, we can finally put this market plan to bed and I can move on. I want to start working on a web site and catalogs for our Tsetserleg clients and then do the ones on the soums. If it turns out well, I’ll have something to show people at the June meeting and have an excuse to visit other offices. I have to see more of the country before next winter.


Anonymous said...

Small world - Laurie played in a volleyball tournament this weekend in Canada - who knew that both you and Alex would meet girls who play volleyball. And lucky you - me and dad are still looking for a pub quiz to replace Rooneys. I hope we don't have to go all the way to Dave's in UB to find one.

Alex said...

Yes - because volleyball is such an obscure sport. I'm sorry - that was sarcastic, but it was funny, right? Come on. Moms!!!!!

Alex said...

George Clinton lost to President George Washington in 1792, to President John Adams in 1796, and to President James Madison in 1808.

But he was in Parliment Funkadelic, so that's something.

Anonymous said...

Do you know Stevan Buxt? He works on the GOBI project in UB. He doesn't work for Mercy Corps though, he works for Pact.

Anonymous said...

I know Stevan, I worked in Mongolia for 4 yrs. Good guy.