Saturday, June 09, 2007

From Russia with great admiration

I was in UB for another two weeks before I left for Moscow on May 23rd. I had been working 24/7 to get the catalogs finished and they were pretty much ready to be printed by the time I left. It was definitely good to get a break, because I knew I'd be busy right when I got back to Mongolia.

We have some friends, Marina and Natalia, in Moscow from when my father and my brother used to travel to Russia and Central Asia in the 90's. I got to stay in Marina's apartment for three days and Natalia's son Sasha took me around the city. His sister Olga had stayed with my family almost 10 years ago and they still have all the pictures from her trip. Marina and Sasha showed me the metro and Red Square. I got to go to history and art museums, St. Basil's, the Kremlin Armory, and of course Lenin's tomb.

It was a great trip, because I got to see a lot of stuff in a short time. I was surprised by how big Moscow was (over 3.5 times the population of Mongolia) and by how many words I already knew because they're also used in Mongolian. On my last night there was a birthday party for Sasha where I got to meet some of his friends. I'll be sure invite them to DC when I move back after Peace Corps.

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