Saturday, June 09, 2007

It's a nice day to start again

Hi gang. I know it's been a really, really long time since my last post, but I have been really, really busy the last two months. Seriously folks. No foolies. I'll try to get you all caught up in the next three posts. In other words, keep reading down to the next posts to read about my latest exploits.

I left Moscow on May 25th for my brother's wedding in Canada. The flight from Moscow to Toronto was 10 hours, or the same amount of time it takes me to get from UB to Arkhangai by bus. I'm not bitter. Immediately after getting off the plane I dropped my stuff off at my brother's friend's place and headed out for his bachelor party. Bardia and I had been organizing the party (a pub crawl through downtown Toronto) for a few months. The group ended up being smaller than I thought it would be. There was Bardia, his brother, their friend Jenya, Alex and I. So there were two Persians, two Irishmen, and a Russian. It was a very international affair and in the morning we even had pancakes. My memory from the end of the night is a little fuzzy (jet lag and all) so I can't take responsibility for all the pictures in the album.

The next day Alex and I drove back to his house in Kitchener where his friends were planning another pub crawl. The jet lag was seriously catching up with me, so I went home after the first bar. That was probably a good idea, because I needed to save my strength for the next week of events. There was a dinner for the bride and groom's families, a rehearsal dinner, the ceremony and reception, plus numerous gatherings at Alex and Laurie's house. I was a the best man and got to handle the rings and give a speech. It was a really great event and all their planning paid off. Be sure to check out all the week's pictures.

So that brings us to more or less the present day. I got back to UB on Wednesday morning and went right to work where I had to make a PowerPoint presentation on the catalog project. All the catalogs had been printed and I got to take home a whole set. My presentation on Thursday went well and I'm all set to go home to Arkhangai. I haven't been there since April 22nd and I'm sure I've been missed. I'm not sure what Mercy Corps holds in store for me in my last weeks in Mongolia, but my last Naadam should be fun and my dad is coming for a visit right after that. Keep checking back for updates. I'll make sure to post more often.

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