Wednesday, June 15, 2005

First Week of Training

I'm back in Darkhan for some shots (ouch!) then we go back to Khutul. My first week of training has been exciting. I'm living in an apartment with and mother, father, and three kids. It's kind of small, but I have my own room. Everyone in my group has the same situation and we get together to trade our cross cultural experiences.

The language classes are going fine. We started on the alphabet this week after learning some useful phrase like "I like eggs" and "I have explosive diarrhea". It's hard, because a lot of the letters sound the same. My host family helps me though.

We might go out to the country this weekend or try and climb this mountain that only men are allowed on. I'm not sure what that is about, but I'll try and post pictures later.

Seacrest out!

PS, I haven't read any American news since June 3, so I don't know what's been going on. I want all readers to comment with what think has been the most important story and I'll post the results as a poll. A little description would help also.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the most important news story is that Paris Hilton has announced she is retiring in two years to concentrate on raising a family. It's great to see that in these "modern" times, a woman can still say to the world, "World - I'm going to stop making amature porn films and going to parties and stay at home and make sure dinner is ready and the babies are clean.".

God Bless you Paris Hilton and God Bless America.

B said...

Can you teach Cori and I how to say, "I have explosive diarrhea"? We
really want to know. We wish you all the luck in the Corps brother. I
just hope during your basic training don't draw Gunnary Sargeant
Hartman. He's a tough one I hear. :)