Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Greetings from Mongolia!

I'm in an internet cafe in Drakhan and Gmail just kicked Hotmail's ass. In other news, I made it here fine after a layover in Incheon airport near Seoul. We stayed in a ger (Mongolian name for a yert) camp that night. We didn't know where we were until morning, but it was really cool. I can't post any photos now, but I will soon.

Right now we're in a hotel in Darkhan. On Sunday the Youth Development and Economic Development people move to Khutul for 11 weeks of training. I'm not sure if I can post from there, but we'll be coming back here and going to Ulaan Baatar (UB) a few times.

The food is fine, but it has all been in the hotel so I'll have better reviews after Khutul. I'll probably be living in an apartment most of the time from now on unless I visit someone in a ger like a TFEL teacher. That's it for now. Thanks for the comments.


Anonymous said...

Awesome - write me a freaking letter!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work John!